5 Tricks To Selling Your House Fast in Today’s Market

For informational purposes only. Always consult with an attorney, tax, or financial advisor before proceeding with any real estate transaction.

Selling your house fast isn’t always easy. Are you trying to figure out why your home won’t sell, you’re not alone. Contact ROG Realty today to get started!

Selling your house fast isn’t always easy. Sure, the market is good now, but that doesn’t mean every house can sell without any hassles or delays

If you are stuck at the dinner table or awake at night trying to figure out why your home won’t sell, you’re not alone.

Right now, thousands of Americans are trying to sell homes that, for whatever reason, just won’t sell.

As a real estate pro, I have a few secret tricks from my years in the real estate trenches.

What can I do to speed up the sale of my home?

The good news is that you have a lot of options when it comes to selling your house fast!

As you can imagine, I talk with tons of buyers and sellers each month. The first-time sellers I meet are always eager for advice. After a few sales, many homeowners feel like pros. Whether or not you’ve been through the sales process a few times, there are always ways to sell your house faster.

5 Tricks To Selling Your House Fast in Today’s Market

Here are five tricks that will help you go from yard sign to sign on the dotted line:

#1. Get a head start on home problems by visiting a local inspector

If you aren’t selling your home as-is, then you’ll eventually have an inspector in the home. The inspector will poke and prod, looking around the entire house for any major problems. Inspectors regularly find problems, like electrical, heating, plumbing, septic, cooling, and foundation problems, just to name a few.

As the seller, you are obligated to fix the major problems before a buyer will close. Get a jump on this! Sure, it will cost you money, but you’ll be able to get started on those problems early. The sooner you get the major problems fixed the sooner you can close.

#2. Hire a real estate lawyer

First-time sellers need to hear this: selling a home takes a lot of time and money. You’d be shocked how many sales I’ve seen fall through because of complicated offers, hard-to-understand mortgage terms, or because certain legal requirements were missed.

Don’t let this happen to you.

Having a real estate lawyer in your corner is a good way to avoid mistakes. Their expertise means you get the right advice and can avoid mistakes that will cost you time and money.

#3. Become a marketing powerhouse

Selling your home fast can be a real pain when buyers won’t give you the time of day. Especially if you are selling for sale by owner. If you can’t get a serious buyer in the front door, then you have an image problem.

Homebuyers buy with their hearts as much as their heads. That means you have to attract buyers and wow them. Bad marketing can make this impossible. Put some time and money into making your house pop. Here are a few ideas that can help:

    • Advertising online. Use social media, buy ads on Zillow or Craigslist, and get listed on the Multiple Listing Service.
    • Let your neighborhood know. People still drive around areas they like looking for homes that are selling. Buy a few yard signs and light the way to your home.
    • Virtual tour. We live in a go-go-go world. Shoot a virtual tour of your home and property. Let buyers experience your house anywhere they are. Pro tip: Get a professional videographer to do it right.

#4. Spend on a professional cleaning

Like it or not, those first impressions are influenced by how clean the house is. Imagine the perspective of a new buyer who walks into your bathroom, looks at the shower, and there is dirt and grime in the tub.  Do you think that will help you sell the house?  Your prospective buyer walks through the property daydreaming about cooking in the kitchen, bathing their children in the tub, and kids playing on the carpet.  If those items are filthy, you’re ruining their fantasy.  Put some money into a good cleaning service. Get the carpets, floors, walls, and windows done. Have a driveway? Get the oil and grime off of that too.

#5. Paint those walls

This is the most common piece of advice for sellers. It can be a good idea, but not always! You’ll want to paint only if the walls look bad or if the interior needs a fresh face. Many buyers already have it in mind to redo the interior, and that includes painting. But you need to sell first, so make sure the interior is appealing.  

What if I don’t have the time and money to fix up my home?

Let’s face it, we aren’t all millionaires with gobs of free time. Sometimes you don’t have the time, money, and energy to face the dreaded money monster — a house that needs just one more repair to be ready to sell. Don’t worry, if you need help selling your house fast, you can always sell to an investor.

Our mission here at Ray Owens Group (ROG) is to help people who are in a tough spot sell a home fast. If you need to sell your home in its current condition, to sell as-is, we can help.

With ROG, you will:

    • Save money. With us, you will have no repairs, no inspections, no real estate agent fees, no closing costs, and no additional expenses of any kind whatsoever.
    • Sell fast. We will buy your home from you and can close in as little as two weeks. That means you get a fast, free cash offer that you can take right away.
    • Sell as-is. No matter what is keeping your home from selling, we will buy it.
    • Close on your schedule. You tell us when you want to sell and how quickly you want to sell. We work on your schedule.
    • Save time and energy. You don’t have to lift a finger if you don’t want to. We can take care of everything, from junk removal to booking the title company. It’s just that easy!

Don’t get stuck spending your precious time, money, and energy trying to sell. Fill out this form and you’ll hear from us shortly!

Have any questions or comments about 5 Tricks To Selling Your House Fast in Today’s Market, please leave them below!

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For informational purposes only. Always consult with an attorney, tax, or financial advisor before proceeding with any real estate transaction.

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