How To Sell A House in Poor Condition in Texas

For informational purposes only. Always consult with an attorney, tax, or financial advisor before proceeding with any real estate transaction.

a white house with trees around it
Want to sell your ugly house? Ray Owens Group can help. Your home can sell for a fair price and quickly. #realestate #sellyourhouse #webuyuglyhouse #uglyhouse

“We know for a fact that you can sell a house in poor condition because, at Ray Owens Group, we BUY houses in poor condition!” – Donald & Felicia Owens

I took a call recently from a young couple who had just inherited a house.

Years ago the house had been beautiful, but time, wear and tear had taken a toll.

Our house is in bad shape,” they told me… and they were right.  The roof was leaking, the electrical wiring was old, and the foundation was cracked. The home was in poor condition and the couple didn’t want to put the time and money into the repairs.

Can we sell this house without putting more money into it?” they asked.

How To Sell A House in Poor Condition

Selling a house in poor condition doesn’t have to be a challenging situation. Since starting Ray Owens Group Realty (R.O.G), I’ve worked with many people in a similar situation. They want to sell their property but the house has some serious problems, which sends qualified end-buyers running for the hills in search of better properties.

When trying to sell a house in poor condition, it can be a big challenge to finally sell. I often hear about homes that have been on the market for months, sometimes years without finding a successful buyer. Like the couple I spoke with, you may be wondering, “Is my house ever going to sell?

What Should I Do If No One Will Buy My House?

Does your home have a laundry list of problems keeping it off the market? Maybe you’ve had a few buyers come by who didn’t even make it through the front door.

I talk with clients all the time who want to sell an ugly house with some of the problems below.

    • Leaky roof
    • Plumbing problems
    • Rodent or bug infestations
    • Cracking foundation
    • Old and dangerous electrical wires
    • Cracked and peeling paint
    • Damage exterior
    • Water damage or mold
    • Trashed carpets
    • Ugly interior

If you have one or more of these problems take a step back and breath. You can still sell your house because we will buy it.

Here at R.O.G, we specialize in buying distressed properties.

I have seen every problem on the list and many more. One time I walked into a home that had a foot of sewage in every room. Every room. The homeowner was so worried, afraid of the costs of repairs, and in need of some serious help. We bought their home 10 days later.

It doesn’t matter what problems your home has, we will buy it as-is. We can do this because we look at the other parts of your house that are valuable.

How Do Homes Become Distressed?

There are many ways a home ends up in poor condition. I’ve worked with clients who have inherited older homes that were neglected. Sometimes a home is damaged in a storm or other disaster. Other times a homeowner lives with house problems for years without realizing something is wrong.

It can be really hard to keep up with the repairs on a home during periods of financial trouble. Late payments and credit troubles can really hurt a home. If you are struggling to keep up with the payments on your home give us a call. The earlier the better. The sooner we talk, the better the deal we can make on your home.

The Money Monster

selling a house in bad condition in texas
Beware of the Money Monster!

Sometimes a homeowner tries to rescue their home. It’s not easy to let go of your property — it’s yours! Homeowners with ugly homes dream of fixing up the home, turning the property around and selling for a tidy profit. This is a lot harder to do than it sounds. I call this the money monster.

What ends up happening is that homeowners put thousands of dollars and precious time into trying to fix a broken home. They go deep into their pockets to get the house up to code. They hire contractors and put their hard-earned weekends and holidays into fixing the home. Sometimes they run out of money and go to the bank for a loan, but a bank won’t lend on a house that is presently in ‘unsellable’ condition.

After months and months of work the home still isn’t finished. It’s still not under code and so realtors won’t even come to the home.  Costs skyrocket. Stress mounts.

These are the three top reasons I’ve seen a home become a money monster.

    1. Contractors over-charge or under-estimate the amount of work
    2. You find more problems after starting repairs
    3. Banks don’t offer to finance and so homeowners take higher rate loans from friends or family

This is really frustrating for homeowners when they try to rescue a distressed home. It can feel like it’s you against the world trying to get the house ready. Take back your money and your free time!

Sell Your “Ugly” House and Get Back to Your Life

If you have a house in poor condition – a money monster gobbling up your hard-earned dollars – then call us. Ray Owens Group Realty specializes in quickly buying homes like yours, as-is, with cash (so we don’t have to worry about inspections, bank approvals, etc…

No pressure, no worry, no money monsters. We can help get you out of that money pit and on with your life.

Here’s what you need to know about selling with us.

    • We pay in cash
    • No fees of any kind — no realtors, inspectors, or closing fees
    • Get a no-obligation quote in less than 24 hours
    • Close in as few as seven days
    • No repairs or maintenance of any kind

We can help you rest easy by buying your ugly home quickly and with no hassle.

One Phone Call & You’ll Sell Your Ugly House

If you want to sell a house in poor condition, we can help. I promise you that your home can sell for a fair price and quickly.

When you call us, we will talk about your home. We’ll pick a time to meet where I can come out and look at it. After that, you’ll have a cash offer on the house as-is in less than 24 hours. Take all the time you need with the offer. You aren’t under any obligation to take the deal. If you decide to sell, contact me and we will begin the process of selling. We can close in less than 10 days if you need to close quickly.

Don’t fret. Your ugly home can sell and can sell quickly. Give us a call!

Have Questions or Wanting To Sell A House in Poor Condition?  Leave comments below…

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For informational purposes only. Always consult with an attorney, tax, or financial advisor before proceeding with any real estate transaction.

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