Survey Says Building Codes Are Driving Challenges to the Building

A recent report from the National Multifamily Housing Council (NMHC) says building codes can raise concerns about construction costs and make it increasingly difficult to develop much needed housing.   Their data found that nearly 9 in 10 respondents agreed or strongly agreed that building code requirements in general impact the cost and viability of construction projects.  The NMHC report says that while some of these requirements are necessary to protect the health & safety of residents as well as the integrity of the building or community, it is important to understand the financial impact of imposing each type.

“Building codes and standards play an important role as they establish core requirements for the design, construction, alteration and maintenance of rental housing communities. However, as government officials look to implement additional layers of code regulations, rental housing providers would encourage them to consider the reality that expansion to building code requirements can result in increased housing costs that negatively impact residents or may even impede the building of much-needed housing.”

Click here to read the full report.

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